Monday, July 6, 2009

Anime Expo Cosplay Awards

The (nonexistent) votes are in and here are the Awards! All photos from the great Japanator.
The "How The Hell?" Award:
It took me a while to figure this one out, I mean if I saw this walking towards me I would run away.
Cutest Cosplay:
Some may give this to a cute girl in a bikini, but look at that L, that is the cutest thing I've seen all day.
Funniest Cosplay:
To get the full hilarity photo, picture an elevator opening and those blank eyes are staring back.
You're welcome.
Most Unexpected:
What? Someone did Coraline, this is gonna suck right?
Holy... I have no words, that's just awesome.
Best Internet Cosplay:
Now I have to say something about Rule 1 and 2. You know the drill.
Scariest Cosplay:
GAAAAAAAH! Seriously, this will haunt my dreams.
Best Prop:
Costume is okay, but that prop looks right outta the game.
Most Impressive:
Best Female Cosplay:
It's the claws that sold me on this, that's going all the way.
Best Male Cosplay:
Remember, this is best cosplay, as in it's got to look like the character.
And I'll be damned, that guy looks just like Gordon Freeman. He would have also won best prop if he wasn't winning this.

1 comment:

  1. yeah i saw alot of these on the first day, the witch was awesome, she was with a hunter and zoey, but she was the only good one
    there was also an awesome pedobear there
