Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why Maya Ibuki is the most depressing Evangelion character.

Mad Evangelion Spoilers Ahead!
Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
Yep I'm talking about what many call the only sane character in Evangelion. Truly she should be the happiest character. She has no mommy or daddy issues to deal with. She seems well off and she's always smiling. Everything would be perfect except for one thing. She's in love with Ritsuko Akagi.
Is it the lab coat?
But unfortunately for Maya, Ritsuko doesn't return the feeling, instead she goes and bones the same guy her mom did. So now imagine you to work every single day for a couple of years. Slowly but surely you fall in love, but you're confused, you're worried about your sexuality as your boss is also a women. You know she's straight so you're love will never become mutual. Most frustrating is that this will go on for years, as I stated earlier, seeing the person you love but will not love you back every single day. Even worse she acts like nothing is wrong and is always friendly.
You goddamned tease.
Okay now imagine you're having a bad day, like the worst day of all time.
Like this bad.
You're scared you don't know what to do. People are dying around you, including friends and children. You're ready to crawl in a corner and give up. Then the person you've never expected to love appears and says that she does love you. That everything is going to be alright and that there's nothing to worry about. You're the happiest you ever remember being in a long time. Finally you got what you've wished for all these years. Then you fucking explode.
Yep, that's Maya's hand.
Okay, maybe Shinji and Asuka has had more stuff happen to them, but Maya's plight is more relatable. Everyone has has unrequited love, whether it's homosexual or not, and it sucks to be jerked around by that person. Plus the Rei clone seems to go especially hard on Maya. Most people are killed almost instantly upon contact, but Maya gets to see her, be told "I Need You", hugs her and then explodes, that's just depressing, there is nothing that can make it more depressing.
I should learn to keep my mouth shut.
In an effort to lift some spirits, here's a cute/creepy pic of Maya.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Anime Expo Cosplay Awards

The (nonexistent) votes are in and here are the Awards! All photos from the great Japanator.
The "How The Hell?" Award:
It took me a while to figure this one out, I mean if I saw this walking towards me I would run away.
Cutest Cosplay:
Some may give this to a cute girl in a bikini, but look at that L, that is the cutest thing I've seen all day.
Funniest Cosplay:
To get the full hilarity photo, picture an elevator opening and those blank eyes are staring back.
You're welcome.
Most Unexpected:
What? Someone did Coraline, this is gonna suck right?
Holy... I have no words, that's just awesome.
Best Internet Cosplay:
Now I have to say something about Rule 1 and 2. You know the drill.
Scariest Cosplay:
GAAAAAAAH! Seriously, this will haunt my dreams.
Best Prop:
Costume is okay, but that prop looks right outta the game.
Most Impressive:
Best Female Cosplay:
It's the claws that sold me on this, that's going all the way.
Best Male Cosplay:
Remember, this is best cosplay, as in it's got to look like the character.
And I'll be damned, that guy looks just like Gordon Freeman. He would have also won best prop if he wasn't winning this.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

An AT Field Review!

So I just bought the first two volumes of the fabulous webcomic Girly. Took a super long time to get delivered, but it was worth the wait (especially cause I got an extra drawing of Marshmallow Kitty.) But getting to the comics, Girly is the story of Otra and Winter, a leader and sidekick team that have adventures. That's really is all I can say, I mean this is one of the most nonsensical comics I've ever read and that's part of the appeal of the comic. Where else can you see an elephant busting phat beats? Volume one introduces the characters and hooks up Winter and Otra. The art is very good, walking the line between old cartoons and anime. The writing does fall short at some parts, sometimes the character will go into long speeches. I wouldn't usually even mind, but Josh L, the writer/artist recently rewrote some particular scenes for a recap chapter and it's got some great stuff. Still a great book.
Girly really doesn't get really good till the second volume. The art starts to get more cartoon inspired and the writing becomes amazing. The thing that surprises me is that Josh is able to not only have dozens of characters, but he is able to make you believe every single one. No matter how crazy they may be, they all great characterization and personalities. They may live in a crazy world but that doesn't mean they can't be believable. One of the best webcomics out there, it deserves all the praise it gets.
You can read Girly here, and read Josh L's livejournal here.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What is Nico Nico Douga? (And why you should care.)

So I guess I'm back, It's not even that I was doing something that made me not update, I'm just lazy. So I give you a short article about my newest obsession, Nico Nico Douga. Basiclly it is a cross between YouTube and a music community site. It started as a regular video website, but it quickly became know for it's medleys. The first of which is entitled Nico Nico Douga Chuudoku no Kata e Okuru Ikkyoku which you can see here being sung almost a capella.
There's Kumikyoku which has this awesome Mario level.
The most famous one was called Ryuuseigun which has three different versions, regular,
a capella and with a full orchestra.
So why is this important? It shows how a group of regular nerds can make a huge project
from nothing. Seriously that orchestra had little to no training together and still did great.
If every nations nerds could do that we could all make some epic things.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Week In Review
Favorite Image:
Favorite Video:
Favorite News
New Dragonball: Evolution site up. It continues to look like 
it will suck hard.
Favorite Links:
Okay, I've got two for you.
First, witness the insanity as Twilight fans attack non-fans. My 
personal favorite, the fan who pulled out a knife,on someone 
who said the series was "okay."
Second, an awesome Death Note rap by Shiv Frost
Nerv Product of the Week:
A Chibi-Rei clone glass? Gainax merchandising never 
ceases to amaze me.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Favorite Image:
Winnie the Pooh, anime style.
Favorite Video:
Vic Mignogna, voice of Ed from Full Metal Alchemist sings the 
One Piece Theme with a helium voice.
Favorite News:
Rei was on the cover of the Japanese Rolling Stone.
Favorite Link:
Super Dickery may be one of my favorite sites of all time. Hours of fun.
NERV Product of the Week:
NERV bread? Really?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Top 3 YouTube Clips of The Year

Just a little note, these aren't videos done by major YouTube filmmakers, but just random videos. So while I do like Mega64 and Neil Cicierega, you won't 
find them here.
Let's start:
No. 3: Men Are Better Than Women
It's hard to believe this guy is serious. That being 
said, the fact he is serious and his comments to the 
women at the end kill me.
No. 2: Titanic: It's PARTY TIME
An animated Titanic movie is already pushing it. 
An animated Titanic movie with talking animals is 
just weird. But having one of the animals rap is 
just downright insane. The stupid dialogue is 
icing on the cake.
No. 3: The Forbidden Zone
There are good B-Movies, their are bad B-Movies
and their are weird B-Movies. Then then their is
"The Forbidden Zone" which manages to be all 
of the above at once.
This clip really does defy all words so you might as well watch it.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 4th Update

So here's a list of the best stuff I found this week.
Favorite Images:
Here's a series of 4koma about World War Two where each country is represented by one person. Remember, right to left.
Favorite Video:
Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, when have you ever 
Favorite News
Apparently there's a new One Piece movie coming 
out. They also apparently made a new movie each 
year since it came out. 
That's a little weird.
Favorite Link:
I present Goon City! The latest creation of Something 
Awful, lot's of great jokes hidden in it.
NERV product of the Week:
Well actually Evangelion product of the week but this 
sounds catchier. Well let me present the product of
the week.
What has god wrought?
Also, even though this has nothing to do with 
anime, those who like the above may like this video.