Mad Evangelion Spoilers Ahead!
Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
Yep I'm talking about what many call the only sane character in Evangelion. Truly she should be the happiest character. She has no mommy or daddy issues to deal with. She seems well off and she's always smiling. Everything would be perfect except for one thing. She's in love with Ritsuko Akagi.
Is it the lab coat?
But unfortunately for Maya, Ritsuko doesn't return the feeling, instead she goes and bones the same guy her mom did. So now imagine you to work every single day for a couple of years. Slowly but surely you fall in love, but you're confused, you're worried about your sexuality as your boss is also a women. You know she's straight so you're love will never become mutual. Most frustrating is that this will go on for years, as I stated earlier, seeing the person you love but will not love you back every single day. Even worse she acts like nothing is wrong and is always friendly.
You goddamned tease.
Okay now imagine you're having a bad day, like the worst day of all time.
Like this bad.
You're scared you don't know what to do. People are dying around you, including friends and children. You're ready to crawl in a corner and give up. Then the person you've never expected to love appears and says that she does love you. That everything is going to be alright and that there's nothing to worry about. You're the happiest you ever remember being in a long time. Finally you got what you've wished for all these years. Then you fucking explode.
Yep, that's Maya's hand.
Okay, maybe Shinji and Asuka has had more stuff happen to them, but Maya's plight is more relatable. Everyone has has unrequited love, whether it's homosexual or not, and it sucks to be jerked around by that person. Plus the Rei clone seems to go especially hard on Maya. Most people are killed almost instantly upon contact, but Maya gets to see her, be told "I Need You", hugs her and then explodes, that's just depressing, there is nothing that can make it more depressing.
I should learn to keep my mouth shut.
In an effort to lift some spirits, here's a cute/creepy pic of Maya.
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